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Category: Hyperlinks


Chocolate can help you stay slim – gotta love statistics for bringing such insights to the world Abuses of statistics in psychological research [paper discussed by W. Briggs] A nice map of media popularity in the US states at Forbes Policy experiments in Sweden [at the wonderful Development Impact blog] The Strait of Gibraltar – photo by ESA


Big data for evaluating education Should have been done long ago, no? Neanderthals painted Most relaxing song ever [?!?]  Testosterone, digit ratio, and abstract reasoning ability [via MindBlog] ‘North Korea’ by Damir Šagolj 1st Prize World Press Photo 2012.  Daily Life Category


Science visualization challenge 2011 192 answers to the question ‘What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?’ Higher education for the masses [commentary by Felix Salmon] Researchers feel pressure to cite superfluous papers


Migration and unemployment File under ‘correlation is not causation’. And ‘endogeneity’. And ‘instrumental variables that do not make sense’. Equitable decision making has intrinsic value Apparently,there is a region in the brain [anterior insula] ‘linked to the experience of subjective disutility’. Ah, the prospects for utility maximization! Fukuyama on European identities Surfing on the obvious A post on the philosophy of explanation at Understanding Society


Rats don’t follow rat(ional) choice Collective decision making in bees What causes ADHD?  Great draft paper on rational learning Most hated buzzwords


Medical marijuana laws decrease road fatalities I wonder what’s really driving this unlikely association  Beauty not enough to make a picture memorable Did they try sex and gore? Which Nations Conform Most? Interesting, but how much variation among citizens of one country compared to the differences between countries? Out of Arabia? A fascinating hypothesis about early human migration