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Tag: social science methodology

QCA solution types and causal analysis

Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a relative young research methodology that has been frequently under attack from all corners, often for the wrong reasons. But there is a significant controversy brewing up within the community of people using  set-theoretic methods (of which QCA is one example) as well. Recently, COMPASSS – a prominent network of scholars interested in QCA – issued a Statement on Rejecting Article Submissions because of QCA Solution Type. In this statement they ‘express the concern … about the practice of some anonymous reviewers to reject manuscripts during peer review for the sole, or primary, reason that the given study chooses one solution type over another’. The ‘solution type’ refers to the procedure used to minimize the ‘truth tables’ which collect the empirical data in QCA (and other set-theoretic) research when there are unobserved combinations of conditions (factors, variables) in the data. Essentially, in cases of missing data (which is practically always) together with the data minimization algorithm the solution type determines the inference you get from the data. I have not been involved in drawing up the statement (and I am not a member of COMPASSS), and I have not reviewed any articles using QCA recently, so I am not directly involved in this controversy on either side. At the same time, I have been interested in QCA and related methodologies for a while now, I have covered their basics in my textbook on research design, and I remain intrigued both by their promise and their…